Thursday, July 31, 2008


I love work
I may be getting an place to live by this weekend if everything goes well.
I think im doing pretty good at work.
Hector is such a g for letting me stay at his pad until I get my shit rolling.
I want to start school in winter/spring
Any tips?
There is this new chick at work and omg I want to marry her lol.
She's so pretty but she smokes so that's a turn offff.
Crazy times are here and im learning to roll with it.
Oh and today is pay day :]

Friday, July 25, 2008

I don't want

Let things get to me like how they did last night. I mean its fucking me up, not only am I getting 7 shades of shit from britney but im also dealing with a nasty hang over because I turned to liquor for some peace. It most definitely did not give me peace. I don't even remember what happened last night. From the time I hung up with daysha until I woke up this nothing is a complete blank.

With the exception of a couple of moments that came back to me this morning.

Never again dude. I say it all the time but this time, its serious.

I can't let it get out of hand anymore. Time to deal with my problems like a normal person instead of hiding behind a bottle.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

so how about wtf @

how fucking selfish some people will be.
but sergio reassured me that the future brings brighter days.
thank the fucking lord for the mispelling underlining thing, or else my drunk ass wouldnt be able to spell for shit haha. i totally hate britney.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

alright so

its getting really close and im really starting to sweat it. sergio keeps reassuring me that everything is going to be fine and were going to get the apartment. i know my credit isnt cool and i may have that eviction on my record (tyvm grandpa but i understand about the eviction you were sick..) ugh FUCK. why the fuck does life have to be a hard thing man. I though life was supposed to be beautiful and that everyday was a blessing. how the fuck can it be a blessing when everything is shot to hell? lol maybe this is just a rough spot for me. other people telling me some other shit that is throwing me off course again regarding relationships. man oh man.


oh by the way if anyone has a room or something for rent, give me a holler.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

productive day(?)

didnt go to work today haha. me and sergio called in and we ended getting blown and going to see batman. ZOMFG best goddamn movie fo shoooo. heath ledger plays an awesome joker. yeah so after that we decided to start a side search for apartments since frank is lagasaurus with his other manager dude. we hit up craigslist first, then some random sites and eventually went back to craigslist where we found some good candidates. We went to long beach and scoped out a couple....but the true winner was in downey near old river and firestone. awesome manager, cool ass owner, hopefully shit goes through.

im really starting to trip on where the fuck in going to live in the time that i leave brits and actually get an apartment. FUCK its stressing me out but i totally hide it well.

tyvm for emotional walls ive built up all my years ^_^

Monday, July 21, 2008

dude seriously

fuck my ex man. what the fuck is up with her. I try being nice and she's a straight asshole to me. No matter what I do. Bah fuck it, after this week she'll be nothing but a passing memory. Tyvm lord for 40oz and marijuana. Oh death metal thank you for being in my life haha. Earlier a guy decoded what I was talking about with sergio and he figured out my acronyms for weed haha. That guy is too cool.

awesome day

Yet I regret not applying for TRG tester position when the opportunity came up. I felt like I wasn't experienced enough, a mistake on my part. Whatevaa ill prove myself in other ways. I think I eat too much. If not too much, then too greasy/fatty. I mean im skeleton skinny but I don't to be skinny with just a gut lol. (I appear to only gain weight in my gut lol)


On my way to work. The bus ride is very theraputic for me. Haha talking about tattoos ftw. Looking forward to going to work today, I just wish I weren't so tired. >_<

Sunday, July 20, 2008

This weekend was a total blur.

I don't remember much. I think I drink a lot to suppress feelings? Maybe but who knows. My life is heading in a new direction that I really think I'm going to enjoy. I can't wait. ^_^