Sunday, May 31, 2009

Amazing weekend

Yeah the title says it all. This weekend I went with Cynthia to San Francisco and we had an awesome time. We went to Fishermans Wharf, drove around the streets and residential areas and visited the Palace of Fine Arts. The following pictures are from the latter of the areas. We went to the Exploratorium. We were having such an amazing time until this loud ass bell rang and people started shouting nonsense. We eventually found out they were announcing the place was closing in 10 minutes =/. We barely got through the first floor exhibits! Assholes lol. After that we went to the beach but it was freezing so we just sat in the car and I fell asleep in her lap while she stroked my hair oh so gently hah. After that we headed back, munched on Jack in the Box and I got drunk. AMAZING SEX ENSUED! The next day was our six month anniversary (Happy anniversary hunny!) and it was awesome. We had some drama and she tripped out on me and shit (nothing out of the ordinary) but we made up and still had an amazing day. We ended up missing the movie we wanted to watch (Drag me to Hell) but meh. We grabbed a Pizone and some Crazy Bread and chilled out at her special spot. All in all I would say it was pretty great. Today is a BBQ with beer and cheeseburgers and hot dogs. Radical DUDE. Oh and today my update came through on my phone. Android 1.5 update absolutely made my year!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So last night

I was lying in bed wide awake around 3am thinking about how my life road has lead me to where I am at right now. Honestly, I have no idea how I ended up here. When I was 17 and graduating high school I wasn't thinking that this is where I would be. I figured I would be a little more stable and be living it up. I didn't expect to go through everything that happened or deal with everything I've had to deal with. Life really is a trip man. Oh well, I just keep doing what I do best

and that's to just roll with it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Uneventful Memorial Day


Time to watch Craig Fergusson.

Oh and by the way, Into The Wild is an amazing movie. Made me really depressed man.

Shmell ya.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

This weekend

Was pretty cool. On Saturday, I went to go see Star Trek for the second time. It was even better the second time around :D. Ummm I hung out at Nana's house for a bit and then came home to some CoD: WaW. I made the terrible mistake of buying Joose. For those of you that don't know what that is, it's a mixture of energy drink and wine. WTF was I thinking lol. Drank that and couldn't sleep so I played CoD all night. Today I went to go see Cynthia. Her mom sat us down to tell me how she's been fucking up. I felt SO uncomfortable man. She also found her birth control pills so she knows we have sex too. Great. On a lighter note, at the end of the day, Cynthia's mom text me saying the following, "reading your message really makes me feel good that cynthia has picked u to be her boyfriend.your a good guy thnks for again nd have a good night."

Kinda makes me not feel so awkward about her knowing I bang her daughter >_<

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hell yeah man

Your results:
You are Magneto

Dr. Doom
Mr. Freeze
The Joker
Lex Luthor
Dark Phoenix
Poison Ivy
Green Goblin
You fear the persecution of those that are different or underprivileged so much that you are willing to fight and hurt others for your cause.

Click here to take the Supervillain Personality Quiz

I don't understand

She really trips me out man. I understand where she is coming from but why can't she see it my way? So what if I miss Downey, don't get mad at me for it. Just fucking sit there and listen, let me talk about it because maybe that's what I need. Whateverrrrrr I just want my Call of Duty: World at War to come so I can take frustration out by melting dudes faces off. Sweet :D

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


after living with sergio for awhile on Quill street (some of the best times of my life), i took a trip to sacramento to visit my aunt. it's there that I met this amazing girl named cynthia. after about a week of debating with myself i jumped to the conclusion that i was going to move to sacramento to be with cynthia and say i was REALLY going for school. lmao, i miss all of my friends and downey dearly. I do nothing but sit on my ass all day collecting unemployment until i start school. i start in june and yeah. i need a job but i really want to go back to activision. im taking math 30 and some gay child development class soley because they are requirements to graduate. umm i still drink a lt and play a lot of xbox 360. i quit world of warcraft. maybe the post wasnt as bad as i had surmised it to be lol.

Monday, May 18, 2009

im not even

going to get into life at the moment, there is too much that has happened from my last post until now. I'll just leave it at everything is different now, and life has taken in an unexpected direction. It's good and bad but whatever man. Explanation tomorrow, boozing tonight.