Sunday, May 31, 2009

Amazing weekend

Yeah the title says it all. This weekend I went with Cynthia to San Francisco and we had an awesome time. We went to Fishermans Wharf, drove around the streets and residential areas and visited the Palace of Fine Arts. The following pictures are from the latter of the areas. We went to the Exploratorium. We were having such an amazing time until this loud ass bell rang and people started shouting nonsense. We eventually found out they were announcing the place was closing in 10 minutes =/. We barely got through the first floor exhibits! Assholes lol. After that we went to the beach but it was freezing so we just sat in the car and I fell asleep in her lap while she stroked my hair oh so gently hah. After that we headed back, munched on Jack in the Box and I got drunk. AMAZING SEX ENSUED! The next day was our six month anniversary (Happy anniversary hunny!) and it was awesome. We had some drama and she tripped out on me and shit (nothing out of the ordinary) but we made up and still had an amazing day. We ended up missing the movie we wanted to watch (Drag me to Hell) but meh. We grabbed a Pizone and some Crazy Bread and chilled out at her special spot. All in all I would say it was pretty great. Today is a BBQ with beer and cheeseburgers and hot dogs. Radical DUDE. Oh and today my update came through on my phone. Android 1.5 update absolutely made my year!

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