Monday, June 1, 2009


I am still trying to get into contact with Todd who decided to shun me as a friend after I left Downey. Apparently all I do is think of myself and become a selfish asshole (he danced around it, I'm just giving it the name.) So far, from what I have gathered from my friends, he is rather pissed that I didn't stay at his house when I went down there like I said I would have. I agree, I should have told him that I was going to stay at my mom's instead since she offered me a warm bed and what not, but don't lose your shit over it. Also, he got really heated when he found out that I smoked without him, I understand seeing as we've been good friends for awhile now but I's not a reason to throw a long time friend under the bus.

Lastly, I would like to say that ultimately it was MY trip to Downey. I think I have right to decide where I sleep and what I do. It was my vacation (technically I haven't done anything but sit on my ass playing video games until school starts but whatever.) Yeah you get it though. I am still trying to get a hold of him to make things right and hopefully patch things up but he isn't having it.

Have I turned into a selfish asshole since I moved? I certainly hope not =/

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